GPLed Stuff by meOh, like, I mean this is supposed to be my homepage. Aber heute ist mir nicht danach zumute, viel über mich zu schreiben. Uma outra vez, talvez... Alors je vais me contenter de presenter un peu de ce que j'ai fait. Dar gifft dat noch mehr, man dat mutt ick 'n anner mol rutseuken.
New tail-mode
Occitan |
We can get them by holding up GPLed software like GNU/Linux. The market for free software is big enough to dare go without Palladium.
This will break the GPL 2, because the source becomes useless. So why not create a GPL 3 which will prohibit the software -- in source or compiled -- to be linked to a Palladium-style restrictive certificate. The clause might insist on the freedom to not only get the source, but to explicitly be able to compile it (modified or not) and run the result freely. "Freely" must mean without impeding anything else that is running on your machine more than what the original product had done. This will also prohibit the big shots from cashing in on a certified GNU/Linux they can lock you up in. United Linux is a different matter, because they're only locking you up support-wise, while their results are freely usable.
Again GPL 3 would prevent free servers from being Palladium certified, so the net would be full of them. This means the annoying popups would backfire, driving end users to GNU/Linux. The whole idea is to prevent Palladium from reaching critical mass.
We must find a sponsor to fund a crack competition to open these back doors wide.
An Open Fritz, indistinguishable from the original, should be created, undermining Palladium. The system would think all is secured, when in fact all is open.