A2386SX Bridgeboard Information

Jumper and socket locations:

| The  -------------        J101   ----- -----                      |
|Bridge|    ZIP    |               |   | |   |                J515  |
|      |    RAM    |               |386| |FPU|                      |--
|      |  Sockets  |               |   | |   |                      | |
|      -------------               ----- -----               J501   |F|
|                                                            J502   |L|
|                                                                   |O|
|                                                                   |P|
|                                                                   |P|
|                                                     J506          |Y|
|                                                                   | |
|                                       J601                        |--
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
     |      Zorro Connector      |  |    AT    | |      XT       |
     -----------------------------  ------------ -----------------

Jumper Information.

Default positions in bold. The user should only need to change J501, J502 and J515.

Expansion Issues:

Here are memory locations, I/O ports and interrupts to avoid when adding PC peripherals.

Memory Locations to avoid:

 A0000 to AFFFF: If Janus handler load segment is set to A0000 in PCPrefs.
 B0000 to B1FFF: If Monochrome display adapter emulation is enabled in PCPrefs.
 B8000 to BFFFF: If Color display adapter emulation is enabled in PCPrefs.
 D0000 to DFFFF: If Janus handler load segment is set to D0000 in PCPrefs.

I/O Ports to avoid:

 000-00F            0F0
 0C0-0DE            0F1
 060                0F4
 061                0F5
 062                0F8-0FE
 064                2Fx
 070                37x
 087-08F            3Bx      If MDA emulation is enabled.
 092                3Dx      If CGA emulation is enabled.
 0E8-0EF            3F0-3F7  If on-board floppy access is enabled.

Interrupts to avoid:

 IRQ6  If on-board floppy access is enabled.

Aren't you glad you have AutoConfig!

Technical Specifications:


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