What does Josh like to listen to?
- Dream Theater - The most awesome band in existence!
- Yolk - This is a great band from my hometown of Binghamton, NY! :)
- Rush - Needs no explanation!
- Peter Gabriel
- The Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies - Yes, that IS their name! :)
- Oasis
- Sting
- The Police - If only I had ever seen them in concert :( (sigh)
- Megadeth
- Metallica
- I Mother Earth
- Van Halen
- Pearl Jam
- Goo Goo Dolls
- Nirvana
- Alice in Chains
- U2
- Rusted Root
- Better Than Ezera
- Stone Temple Pilots
- Filter
- Soundgarden
- Yes
- Alice Cooper
- Crash Test Dummies
- Live
- Genesis
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