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Listed here are bugs,mainly AmIRC bugs which conflict with Kuang Eleven.
Make the best of it :).
The latest versions,2.6+,do not have any of the bugs listed below!
This page has been updated at 27/2/97.
- When adding XDCC packs with files from within the AmiRC
dir (ie no full path) AmIRC tries to send the files from
its send directory.Cant fix that.Make sure that in the
requester the Directory field has the full path in it.
- Crashes when a requester should pop up.
This ALWAYS comes from having an outdated Reqtools.library or
rexxreqtools.library.The Installer will install reqtools
as the first item,but if one of the libraries are already in
memory then there's still a chance of a crash.The installer attempts
to remove them and then reload the newly installed ones.
If nothing else works - reboot.
RexxReqtools.Library 37.95+
Reqtools.library 38.1434+
Note : Reqtools are installed with the K¹¹ KInstaller.
- Crashes when joining big channels.(Fixed : AmIRC 1.22).
- There is another bug which goes upto AmIRC 1.30 and could be
dangerous.If dcc chat messages come in at the same time as
another event,that event will be sent again to the arexx
event handler.This can be very dangerous if you have massjoin
protection on.What will happen is that someone will join the
channel and if you get a dcc chat msg at that time the counter
of joins will be rapidly incremented,resulting in a bankick
of the guy who joined.Similar (possibly dangerous) situation
may come with massmodes protection.(Fixed : AmIRC 1.30).
- DCC Autoget never resumes.This is a bug which came in AmIRC
1.21./DCC RESUME didnt resume right it did DCC GET.
(Fixed : AmIRC 1.??)
- AutoGetSounds plugin doesnt work on channel sound requests.AmIRC
doesnt pass that line to the ctcp event.(Fixed : AmIRC 1.??).
When reporting bugs , Include Kuang Version in the message and
if possible a relevant saved AmIRC buffer.